

國際扶輪禮節(RI Protocol)
Past RI Director Jackson
The following order of protocol shall be used to introduce, present, and seat all current, past, and future officers of RI and its Foundation, committee members, and their spouses at all RI meetings, functions, and receiving lines and when publishing their names in RI publications:
˙社長(或社長代表)President (or president’s representative)
˙副社長Vice president
˙其他理事Other directors
˙前社長(按資歷)Past presidents (in order of seniority)
˙保管委員會主委Trustee chair
˙保管委員會主委當選人Trustee chair-elect
˙保管委員會副主委Trustee vice chair
˙保管委員會其他委員Other trustees
RIBI president, immediate past president, vice president, and honorary treasurer
˙秘書長General secretary
˙前理事(按資歷)Past directors (in order of seniority)
˙前保管委員會委員(按資歷)Past trustees (in order of seniority)
˙前秘書長(按資歷)Past general secretaries (in order of seniority)
˙地區總監District governors
RI and Foundation committee members, task force members, advisers, representatives, training leaders, and resource group members (including RRIMCs and RRFCs)
˙前地區總監(按資歷)Past governors (in order of seniority)
˙下屆保管委員會委員Incoming trustees
At Rotary functions, officers should be addressed according to protocol only once. A Rotarian’s current position takes precedence over past positions, and past positions take precedence over future positions; Rotarians holding more than one position are ranked by the highest office. Accompanying spouses have the same rank.
The governor shall plan, promote, and preside at all official district meetings except as otherwise expressly provided.
After the above required order of protocol, the following order of protocol is recommended and should be modified to fit local customs and practice:
˙地域及地帶各委員會委員Regional and zone committee members
˙助理總監Assistant governors
˙地區秘書/財務長District secretaries/treasurers
˙地區各委員會委員District committee members
˙扶輪社社長Club presidents
˙扶輪社社長當選人Club presidents-elect
˙扶輪社副社長Club vice presidents
˙扶輪社秘書Club secretaries
˙扶輪社財務Club treasurers
˙扶輪社糾察Club sergeants-at-arms
˙扶輪社理事會其他成員Other club board members
˙扶輪社各委員會主委Club committee chairs
˙前助理總監Past assistant governors
˙扶輪基金會前受獎人Rotary Foundation alumni
˙扶輪社員家屬Rotarians’ families
※在地區會議時,外國來訪的扶輪社員可排在相同等級當地扶輪社員之前,以示對來賓之禮遇。At district meetings, Rotarians visiting from a foreign country may be placed before local Rotarians of the same rank, as a courtesy toward guests.
High-ranking non-Rotarians may be given precedence in ranking according to local custom. Clubs and districts are encouraged to advise guests if protocol places Rotarians before non-Rotarians. (RCP 26.080.)